Friday, September 21, 2012

Italian Egg Drop Pasta

Legends from Europe

I was asked to create a dish using one of the Legends of Europe
The key ingredient given to me was. 

Grana Padano

What is Grana Padano?

Type of Milk:

Cow, unpasteurized


Italy, Po River Valley in Emilia Romagna

Monks in the Po Valley started making Grana Padano more than a thousand years ago and the same recipe is used today. The name "Grana" comes from the word grain and refers to the grainy texture of the cheese.

The recipe and process of making Grana Padano is protected by its P.D.O. status. P.D.O stands for Protected Designation of Origin and is a set of guidelines that insure the quality and authenticity of cheese sold under the name Grana Padano. The guidelines outline how the cheese is made and how long it is aged. Each wheel is tested for aroma and flavor before it can be branded with the P.D.O seal.


Grana Padano has a natural rind that is technically edible, but too hard to eat. Some people like to throw a rind of Grana Padano or Parmigiano-Reggiano into a bowl of soup. The rind melts into the soup, adding flavor and texture.
A natural rind is a rind that develops on the outside of the cheese as the wheel ages. Many semi-firm or hard cheeses have natural rinds. The rinds can be thin, like on some Cheddar cheeses, or thick, like on a wheel of Parmigiano-Reggiano or Grana Padano.


Grana Padano is sold at three different ages: 12 months, 16 months and 20 months. Each share a nutty, buttery quality and a sharp fruitiness with a pleasantly salty finish. The flavors become more intense with age and the texture becomes more granular.

Uses and Pairings:

Grana Padano can be thinly shaved so it melts on the tongue, grated into dishes, or if you're really hungry simply cut yourself a large chunk and take a bite. Grana Padano pairs well with figs and dried fruit, sliced apples, or a drizzle of honey. For a savory snack pair with walnuts, olives or cured meat.
The fruity, nutty flavor and rich texture of Grana Padano pairs well with a full-bodied, aromatic white wine or a big Italian red like Barolo. The saltiness of Grana Padano can pair well with dessert wines.
For cooking, Grana Padano can be used in any recipe that calls for a hard cheese.

This is the recipe I decided to make.

Italian Egg Drop Pasta

Why did I decide to make this dish?

Because of Grana Padano being the key ingredient, I really wanted this ingredient to stand out.  The only way I can do this was to present it in a dish that was not overflowing with different flavors, masking this delightful nutty, grainy cheese.  This is a complete meal all in one dish.  My Italian Grandmother used to make this for us growing up.  Over the years I have made this recipe for my children.  Now, I make it for my Grandchildren.  Not only is it full of protein, delicious and flavorful, but it is also the most inexpensive dish I have ever made.

1/2 pound favorite pasta
5 cups chicken broth
4 eggs, large
1/2 cup Grana Padano Cheese, grated (reserve half for topping)
salt, to taste

1.  In large pot heat broth, bring to boil. 
2.  Add pasta, cook til al dente.  "DO NOT" drain.  Should still be some liquid left over in pot that has not boiled out.  Additional broth may be added.  
3.  Add eggs, stir.  Add cheese, stir.  Add salt, if desired. 
4.  Top with reserved Grana Padano Cheese....Serve!!!!

There you have it...SIMPLE!  And the most incredible, inexpensive meal you will ever make.

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